Small Groups

Don't do life alone.

Passion is a growing church. And it’s really easy to get lost in a growing church, going every weekend, but never finding your place. That’s why we created Small Groups. In a Small Group you’ll meet people who live near you, are in the same stage of life as you, or have similar interests. 

Our Small Groups were designed to empower the people of Passion to build community and foster spiritual growth. Through Christ, God loves us just as we are. But He loves us too much to leave us where we are. And we were never meant to take this journey alone. Find a Small Group and begin growing in your relationship with God and His church. Small Groups are made up of people who meet together on a regular basis and are drawn together by common interests, a specific topic or activity, or a particular demographic.

Finding A Small Group

Small Groups begin meeting the week of September 17

1. Decide on the type of Small Group that you are interested in joining. This will allow the connection process to be easier.

2 Find the small group that is the best fit in our Online Directory.

3. Visit the Small Group! Once you have found a group you are interested in, click the link to contact the leader for more info. Your Small Group Leader will follow up with details of the group if there is space available.